Bald Eagle Bald Eagle
Endangered Species Appendices Appendices II

Conservation/Environmental Groups


Ocean Conservancy

1300 19th Street, NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
(800) 519-1541

Dedicated to the conservation and protection of the oceans. Programs are focused in areas of protecting habitats, preventing marine pollution, protecting endangered species, and managing fisheries.


Ducks Unlimited

1 Waterfowl Way
Memphis, TN 38120
(901) 758-3825

Committed to the protection and preservation of North American wetlands.


Fish and Wildlife Research Institute

100 Eighth Avenue SE
St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5020

Charged by Florida state law to conduct high-quality marine research on which management decisions can be based. Their more than 300 research projects use an ecosystems approach.


Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute

2595 Ingraham Street 
San Diego, CA 92109
(619) 226-3870

Dedicated to acquiring knowledge of the ocean and its inhabitants to promote awareness and respect for marine resources.


Izaak Walton League

707 Conservation Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
(301) 548-0150

Concerned about the pollution of streams and waterways. They strongly promote grassroots outdoor conservation activities.


National Audubon Society

225 Varick St
New York, NY 10014
(212) 979-3196

Dedicated to the conservation and restoration of natural resources with emphasis on wildlife, habitats, soil, water, and forests.


National Wildlife Federation

PO Box 1583
Merrifield, VA 22116-1583
(800) 822-9919

Encourages the intelligent management and appreciation of natural resources.


Nature Conservancy

4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 
Arlington, Virginia 22203-1606
(703) 841-5300

Committed to preserving plants, animals and natural communities by protecting the lands and water they need to survive. The Nature Conservancy is the largest private system of nature sanctuaries in the world.


World Bird Sanctuary

125 Bald Eagle Ridge Road
Valley Park, MO 63088
(636) 225-4390

Dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and breeding of birds. They also are committed to education the public.


World Wildlife Fund

1250 24th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C 20037-1193

Committed to protecting life-sustaining resources. They also are dedicated to threatened and endangered species preservation, pollution control, and natural resource management.