killer whale false eye patch



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Killer whale profile underwater



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Killer whale face profile underwater


Photo Credits

Photo Credit: 600x300-8628266356_9d20836694.jpg. Source: Flickr. Image by: Len2040. Year Created: 21 June 2005. Website: License: CC by ND 2.0. No changes were made to the photo.

Photo Credit: 600x300-1254820034_b7c24ffe0c_b.jpg. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Image by: Josh Larios. Year Created: 27 August 2007. Website: License: CC by SA 2.0. No changes were made to the photo.

Photo Credit: 600x300-herring.jpg. Source: Flickr. Image by: Bruce McAdam. Year Created: N.d.. Website: License: CC by SA 2.0. No changes were made to the photo.

Photo Credit: Stranded-killer-whale.jpg. Source: NOAA. Image by: Hawaiian Islands Stranding Response Group. Year Created: N.d.. Website: License: Public Domain. No changes were made to the photo.