Seal being released from SeaWorld Rescue Seal being released from Sea World Rescue
Objectives of Rescue Program

A Commitment to Conservation

The SeaWorld Animal Rehabilitation Program is an important part of SeaWorld's commitment to conservation, research, and education. Through this program, the SeaWorld animal departments rescue, treat, shelter, and release stranded animals. The main objective of the Rescue and Rehabilitation Program is to return rehabilitated animals to the wild.

All SeaWorld parks and Busch Gardens parks participate in the program. The ability to rescue and rehabilitate animals is the result of years of experience caring for animals at the parks.

Veterinarians examine a pelican with an endoscope


A Valuable Scientific Resource

Rescued animals provide insight into their biology and ecology. This information adds to the pool of knowledge necessary to conserve threatened and endangered species. For more information on the benefits of the Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Program, see Benefits of Rescue Program.

A seal is released into the water