Tropical Forests Tropical Forests


Caufield, Catherine. In the Rainforest. Chicago: Chicago Press, 1984.

Coudsly-Thompson, J. L. . Terrestrial Environments. 1975.

Huxley, Anthony. Green Inheritance. New York: Gasia Books Ltd., 1984.

Jukofshky, D. and Chris Wille. National Wildlife, They're Our Rainforests Too. April/May 1993.

Lean, Geoffrey, Don Hinrichsen, and Adam Markham (eds.). Atlas of the Environment. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1990.

Martin, Claude. The Rainforests of West Africa. Switzerland: Birkhauser Verlag, 1991.

National Wildlife Federation, Ranger Rick's Naturescope. Rainforests: Tropical Treasures. 1989.

Weber, Kathleen. Zoomin' Summer, Rainforest. 1989.

Westoby, Jack. Introduction to World Forestry. New York: Bassil Blackwell Inc., 1989.